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As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace

 1 Peter 4:10

Alice 21 day fix after 3 rounds June 201

My journey started April 1st and will continue for the rest of my life. I am stronger, healthier and my energy level has tripled at least. I continue to drink my shake at least once a day, I just love them. I am eating clean and I do a workout every morning first thing. I am also starting to run again which is tough but I can do it. I am 59 and have lost 42 pounds and 47 inches. I look better every day. This is my new lifestyle, not a diet. I have decided that I am worth a little extra work each day and the results are amazing.


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“I began the program believing I’d be learning tools and techniques to eat better and have better fitness routine. But, I got so much more out of it than I would have imagined.  Since starting the program I have set career goals, examined my relationships and plowed through all the ways I’ve been in my own way.  It has not only been therapeutic but, transformative.  Ellen has been an exceptional coach never judging and always with the feedback I needed to hurdle over things that were in the way of my best life. I highly recommend this journey”


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The following is my testimonial, since working with Ellen Polk, my total body transformation coach.

I worked with Ellen when she was my beach body coach and I was happy with my results, however, since Ellen has been my total body transformation coach, I have been blown away with all the knowledge that she has, from self care to health wellness to eating the right foods and so much more. In the short time time I have worked with her, she has imparted so much information to me. In helping with self care, I love the way that she encourages me to find something good in my day, so now I find myself thinking of the good and positive things in my day, this encourages me to do good and positive things, which ultimately helps me improve my eating habits as well as my self care. I am also amazed at her knowledge of what foods helps my total health and wellness, whether it's for energy, daily bowel function or just to help with that sugar craving. She has taught me the importance of some type of daily movement and encourages me to do so. 


On top of all of that, since following her instruction as my coach, I have been able to stop taking my prescription previcid. No, Ellen did not tell me to stop taking my medication, she simply informed me of all the foods that were healthy for my body, and the correct time to eat, and sleep, and how much water to consume and it completely REMOVED the burning sensation I would get after eating or when I went to lie down, therefore after taking this medication for 5+ years, I no longer need the previcid. So to me that is life changing. Therefore I feel totally fortunate to have Ellen as my coach.


If I had to rate Ellen, as a total body transformation coach, with the 5 stars rating system, I  wouldn't be able to do it, because 5 stars is definitely not enough to give Ellen the top rating she deserves.



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